Monday, February 20, 2012

Practicing my Italiano in Milano!

Hola! or should I say Bonjourno?

For those of you who don't speak much Italian (i.e. me before this weekend)...that means hello! I spent this past weekend in Milan, Italy visiting one of my really good and only friends abroad -- Dorothy James! I've not been homesick at all, but it was still so nice to see a familiar face! Dot and I have been close since freshman year and it was so refreshing to be with someone who knows me as well as she does.

I arrived in Milan late Thursday night. After meeting up with Dorothy, we grabbed some authentic Italian pizza from this adorable pizzeria. I decided that since I was in Italy for the weekend I would indulge in all types of "authentic" Italian food. Therefore, after pizza we grabbed some gelato for dessert. Both were delicious!

Duomo di Milano
Friday I slept in, while Dorothy was off practicing Italian in class. Once class was over, Dorothy and I grabbed a bite to eat. We sat at a café and just caught up on life. It was a little surreal seeing each other in another country, but still things felt like we had never been apart. After lunch, we walked around Milan. We explored the shopping around the Duomo di Milano. After window shopping we headed back to her apartment to meet up with her roommates. This weekend Dorothy's apartment had quite a few visitors. Her roommate, Mary Frances, had two girls staying with her. Her other roommate, Ally, also had her friend, Jenna, visiting from Rome. Needless to say, the apartment was crowded, but that just made the weekend even more fun. There was never a dull moment! Friday night Dorothy, Ally, Jenna and I grabbed yet another typical Italian I don't know how people who study in Italy do it. The pizza was amazing, but after two days of cheesy, breaded goodness, I was definitely starting to crave a salad and vegetables. That night all the roommates and all of their guests headed to the club, Alcatraz. It was massive! So many people in one huge area. What was fun was that it wasn't all Americans like it is in Barcelona. There was a definite mix between the two, which is so different than what I'm used to.

Best calzone. EVER.
Saturday, Dorothy, myself, Ally (Dorothy's roommate) and Jenna (Ally's friend visiting from Rome) all headed over to grab lunch. We went to this place called Panzerotti Luini. This hole in the wall specialize in calzones. From the outside this place didn't look all that special, but the extremely long line outside the door, curving into the street said otherwise. The line moved much faster than expected. We each got a calzone, even though we were very tempted to buy two. I got a ricotta and spinach calzone and inhaled the thing. It was absolutely amazing. Writing about it now is making my mouth water! Thank god I'm not studying in Milan because those calzone's would definitely be my go-to hangover food. If you're ever in Milan you must visit this place! It's right around the corner from the Duomo. After lunch, the four of us climbed the Duomo. We took this time as our "exercise" of the weekend. Once at the top, we were able to see all of Milan. It was beautiful. After taking in the view, we headed down and toured inside the Duomo.

Getting artsy on top of the Duomo
Best part of the weekend: After the Duomo, Dorothy and I met up with our good friend, Angie, who is studying in Verona! She took the train in the morning to hang out with us all day! It was so good to see her. Once reunited, the three of us headed to a little café to grab some coffee..and of course some gelato. We literally just sat there and caught up on each other's lives. It was so good to see both of them. That night, none of us were really in the clubbing mood, so we kept it very mellow. We got dinner and drinks. Then after drinking a little wine in the apartment we all headed to a local bar. It was a great way to end a great weekend.

I left Sunday around 12. Just enough time for Dorothy and I to grab a quick bite to eat at this yummy, organic eatery. It's called the Juice Bar and I know if I was living in Milan this would be my go-to place. I had so much fun visiting a new place and seeing Dorothy this weekend. Milan is so different than Barcelona, but different in a good way. It's a perfect place for Dorothy and a great place for anyone in Italy to visit.

Like in the states, everyone in Europe is also celebrating Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday. So tomorrow, my roommates and I are headed 45 minutes from Barcelona to the gay capital of Spain called Sitges. It's supposed to be unreal. I will definitely do a post solely on tomorrow night! As for this weekend, I am finally making a trip to Morocco! I am so unbelievably excited...words cannot describe. Morocco is one of the few places I am absolutely dying to visit.

Ciao. xx

P.S. Thanks again Dot for having me...I had the best weekend ever! love you.

Theta's everywhere we go...

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