Monday, March 19, 2012

It's been WAY to long.

Ah I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've last posted on here. To say that I've been busy is an understatement. Traveling every weekend is definitely keeping me busy. As well as having visitors! Two weeks ago Hannah made it out to Barcelona for her spring break and then that following week Chloe, her best friend Megan, and Alison, one of my best friends from UGA, all came out for their spring breaks! Having visitors was much more stressful than I imagined, but worth it. I loved having all of them visit though! I got to show them around Barcelona, seeing some touristy things and hitting up some local spots. I'm so lucky my sisters we're able to make a trip out to Spain...even if we did bump heads a little bit. We're sisters, so I guess that can only be expected! I just got back from St. Patrick's day weekend in Dublin, so I'm exhausted tired, but don't worry. I'm planning to blog a lot today...posting about all my past trips and the two weeks with all my visitors!
Be on the lookout today and tomorrow!


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