Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Visitors in Spain!

After a crazy weekend in the south of France, I returned to Barcelona exhausted and hoping to rest…but that was not an option. Early Monday morning, Hannah, my little sister, arrived in Barcelona to spend her spring break with me! Even though we bump heads a little bit, it was so much fun having her out in Spain. It was a little difficult at times because I would have class some days, but we made it work.

I took her to all my favorite food places, and even some I had never been, but have wanted to try.  We found this local Thai restaurant, called Bangkok Café, literally in god knows where, but it was amazing and so yummy! This past summer she traveled through out Spain with my parents, so she had done most of the touristy things already. Fortunately there were one or two things she had not done. We explored the different areas of Barcelona, like the Gothic quarters and El Born. Monday night I took her to Gaudi’s famous Parc Güell at sunset. The park is situated on a hill that overlooks the entire city. At sunset, the colors glow and light up the city. I’ve been a few times before, but it was a lot more fun getting to do it with Hannah!

That night I took Hannah out for Barcelona’s infamous “Loco Lunes” at Otto Zuts. Wednesday night we went to see Nicky Romero play at the club, Bling Bling. This was my first time at this club and loved it! Thursday night we headed to the club Opium Mar, which is right on the beach. Needless to say, we had a very successful week filled with eating, drinking and dancing. Time flew by and next thing I knew it was already Friday and my other sister, Chloe, and her best friend Megan (a.k.a Kermit) had landed in Barcelona for their spring break.  Before their Barcelona adventures could begin, we were first headed to Amsterdam. That’s right. All three sisters (plus Shannon and Kermit) traveled to Amsterdam and had an unforgettable time! (Amsterdam definitely deserves it’s own post and that will be up later today!) We came back from Amsterdam early Sunday morning because Alison, my best friend from UGA, was visiting for her spring break! Hannah left early Monday morning and it was sad to see her go. We had the best time and I’m so glad she came out to visit! For my next week filled with visitors, Chloe really wanted to “guest blog” and write the post about their week out here so that will be up later today!

I’m blogging like a mad woman trying to catch you all up on my life! I promise during this last month I’ll be sure to keep up with posts.

Ciao for now.

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