Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rome-ing Around the World...Again!

After a year of being back from my semester abroad, I'm headed out of the country again! But this time I'm headed to a different part of the world...Thailand to be exact. My best friend, Bridget, and I traveled to Thailand the summer before our senior year in high school and we both fell in love with the country. We promised each other that after we graduated from college we would eventually make our way back to the Land of Smiles.
Bridget and I at LAX 

Fast forward four years and here we are...both graduated from college and  currently waiting to board our connecting flight to Bangkok. I can't believe we're actually headed back to Thailand! We've talked about this trip for the past few years, but I don't think anyone thought we were serious about making our way back here. We will be in Thailand for two weeks. We're flying into BANGKOK and spending four days here. Then making our way up north to live in a tree house in CHIANG MAI for four days. For our last leg of the trip we're making our way to the island of KOH PHANGAN to attend the the infamous FULL MOON PARTY.

I'll do my best to blog and keep friends and family posted on Bridget's and my adventures through Thailand!

sawatdeeka (it means hello & goodbye in thai)


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