Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Weekend Trip of the Semester!


Just hanging out in Geneva
It's been a crazy week/end and I've hardly had anytime to blog! I'll try to catch you up on my life in one post. Last week I had the urge to travel. I didn't know where, but I knew I wanted to explore a place I had never been. None of my roommates had planned any trips, but Taryn, a girl I met on one of my first days in Spain, told me she was going to Interlaken, Switzerland for the weekend. Switzerland was never a place on my list of places to visit, but I thought it could be fun to do something different and a great way to meet new people. So on a whim, I booked a flight to Switzerland.

We left Thursday morning at 8:45 am and arrived in Geneva, Switzerland around 12. There was a group of girls on our same flight and we all ended up hanging out the entire day together. We booked the weekend through a program called Bus2Alps and because of that we weren't set to leave Geneva until 11 pm that night! So, the 6 of us explored Geneva all day long. We got lunch at a local Italian restaurant. Grabbed an espresso and a Nutella/Banana crepe at another café. We visited the Cathedral of St. Peter and attempted to view the archeological site underneath, but tickets were costly. For anyone who's unaware of Switzerland's economy...let me tell you. They are doing very well over there. Everyone's happy all the time. And even though the Swiss Franc and the US dollar is almost 1:1, everything in Switzerland is practically double or even triple the cost of what it would normally be in the states.

Swiss Alps
Anyways, after our fun-filled day in Geneva, we finally left for Interlaken late Thursday night! On Friday, Taryn and I explored Interlaken. The town is so cute and such a snow-bum area. I took a lot of pictures, but honestly, pictures don't do this place justice. Walking around, I felt as if I was in a movie. My surroundings we're unbelievably beautiful. It was so surreal. Later that night, the same girls from Geneva and I went night sledding through the Swiss Alps! It was absolutely freezing, but it was a lot of fun. The mountain is pitch black and there are no lights anywhere. Each person wears a necklace with a glow stick attached to it so sledders can see people in front of them. Sledding lasted about an hour and after a cheese fondue dinner was included! The cheese was so yummy and a great way to end a great day!

For anyone who is not aware or not seen pictures on Facebook...Saturday Taryn and I went canyon jumping. Yes. Let me repeat. I signed up to free-fall through the canyons of Switzerland. It was the craziest experience of my life! Saturday morning a group of us, about 10-12 people, set out on a 20 minute drive to the mountains. Once here, we had to endure a 45 minute hike up the mountain to finally reach the canyons in which we would be soon jumping into. After we signed a bunch of waivers and forms confirming we were all well aware of what we were about to do, the "professionals" set us all up in our harnesses. Once harnessed, we were finally ready to jump. We stepped on the platform and the canyon jumping expert told us everything we needed to know and do before we jumped. And then one by one, people in our group began to jump.

The Jump
I was the 5th person in our group to jump. Pre-jump I was calm. Almost to calm. Once it was my turn and I was hooked up to the bungee cord it finally set in that I was about to jump into a canyon. I remember the guy saying "You ready? 1-2-3.." I looked at the guy then looked in front of me. I could only see the canyon and the massive drop I was about to jump into. And then I went for it. I knew after I signed up for this activity that I was determined to complete it. So as I was on the platform I had no hesitations. I just ran and jumped. The free-fall is about 4-5 seconds and about 250 feet. As I was falling I felt as if I was in a dream, waiting for a jolt to wake me up. After what felt like forever, the bungee cord caught me and I swung through the canyon. I looked up and couldn't believe I had just jumped. I remember feeling so proud of myself as I swung back and forth through the canyon. It was an incredible feeling and I'm so unbelievably happy I did it.

I headed back to Barcelona early Sunday morning. As much fun as Switzerland was, it was a relief to be back in Spain. I can speak the language, I have the correct form of currency, I know my way around (more or less)...and then it really hit me. I'm living in Barcelona, Spain. This place is my new home until April. I don't think I ever took the time to really realize that I'm actually living here and not vacationing here.

On Sunday Shannon, Dani and I explored the Borne District of Barcelona for a little bit. We headed out for a late lunch or early dinner at a restaurant called Pim Pam Plats. It was super yummy and just another place to cross off our super long lists of things to do while in Spain.

Shannon and I - Friends since kindergarten!
Phew. Okay I'm done for now. This Friday I may be headed to Montserrat with a group to explore that area of Barcelona. Even more exciting news -- Saturday I am going to a FC Barcelona fútbol match! We got tickets through our study abroad program...and words cannot describe how unbelievably excited I am!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Exploring Barcelona - Las Ramblas, La Boqeuría & Park Güell


So I never made it to Las Ramblas on Tuesday like I expected. Instead, I siesta'd. But Wednesday after class, Shannon and I did go explore Las Ramblas y la boquería. We were a little overwhelmed, but soon we managed to figure out where everything was. We did a quick walk through of la boquería, which is a huge market that sells fresh fruits & vegetables and various types of meat and dairy, then needed a little pick me up. So we went across the street and enjoyed two very large glasses of sangria. Sangria is one of the best drinks ever created. Once we finished our sangria, we bought a few things for our apartments and then headed home. That night we went out to a local bar and watched the futból match between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. Barca won 2-1!!

Brittany and I at Park Güell
Thursday was a relatively quiet day. None of my roommates or I had enough energy to make it out that night. We did make it out for dinner. We originally planned to eat at Xampanyet, a local favorite in Barcelona, but the line was unbearable and we were starving. Instead, we ended up eating at a restaurant near it called Princesa 23. At the end of the meal our waiter brought us our check and we asked if he could split it 6 way. Worst decision ever. At lunch earlier in the week a waiter was able to split the check so we just assumed it would work out. WRONG. The waiter didn't really understand us (damn language barrier) so we had to spend a little time fixing this one.

Waking up Friday morning, not hungover with no class, was possibly the best feeling ever. I finally made it to the beach for my first run of the semester! It was amazing. The run on the boardwalk made me feel at home because it reminded me of the boardwalk in Newport. After the run, Brittany and I headed to Las Ramblas to try and meet up with the other roommates. That was a fail. Both of us are out of minutes on our go-phones and had no way to contact any of the girls. We wandered around la boquería. We bought some fresh & dried fruit, nuts, and even some garbanzo beans and lentils, since I'm a vegetarian and need all the protein I can get! After we walked down the street where all the shopping was. We hit up Sephora, Zara, H&M and Top Shop. We didn't buy anything, but I know I'll be back soon!

Today we headed to Park Güell, the park that Antoni Gaudí designed. I'm not really a huge artsy fartsy kind of girl, but I went along for the ride. I know being in Barcelona I should really sight see as much as possible. So we did that today. It was really pretty. We got a lot of great pictures, but now we're all exhausted. I don't think any of us realized how much walking was actually involved. For lunch we stopped at a café near the park. We ordered our first paella of the trip...but we don't think this place had very good paella. We are still searching for some authentic Catalonian paella.

We're headed out tonight to either Catwalk or Elephant Club! Either way...more stories soon to come!

Hasta luego!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In love with Barcaaa

Hola mis amigos!

After our bike tour around the city we took a much needed siesta. Then that night we went to a 'discoteca' called Catwalk. It has different floors that each play different genres of music. My friends and I mostly stayed on the main floor, which played all house! The clubs here are insane. The dance floors are filled to capacity with people from all over the world. You don't stop dancing until you leave the club, which is usually right about the time the sun begins to come up, and you can hardly hear a word anyone is saying, even when they are screaming in your ear.

Sunday we slept until 2:30 in the afternoon! I don't think I've ever slept that late in my entire life, yet I've also never stayed out until 6 am at a club. I guess there's a first for everything. My roommates and I planned out a semester worth of weekend trips, which might I add look incredible! Four months seems like a long time to be abroad and plenty of time to travel everywhere..but it's not at all! We have so many places we want to travel and don't have enough weekends. Such white girl problems, I know. But once I confirm my trips I'll let you all know the fun and cool places I get to visit!

Monday classes started. I take three classes on M/W and one class on T/Th. M/W I have Sports and Culture in Contemporary Spain, Spanish Civilization and Culture (in Spanish), and Cultural Visions through Spanish Cinema (in Spanish). T/TH I am taking Photography in Barcelona. I love all my classes and teachers. None of the classes seem difficult at all. They all seem super interesting and I actually feel like I'm going to really enjoy them. Both Spanish classes are taught in Spanish, so hopefully these both help my ability to speak Spanish fluently.

I feel like I'm starting to really become comfortable with speaking Spanish and I also feel like I'm able to navigate my way around this city. I've got the metro down. Now I just need to learn how to get around random streets without getting lost...which happened today. Today after my photography class, I took the metro home (all on my own) and then stopped at a random cafe. I grabbed a double espresso (so chic I know) and a quick bite to eat. I felt so European. While I was eating I began to think about why I haven't seen many Spanish people who are overweight. I feel like all they eat are breads, sweets, paella, and tapas (which are just some type of meat over more bread). I realized it's because they walk everywhere and because they eat really slowly. To be honest, the food over here isn't anything to write home about, but I'm learning that they really don't eat for the food. Their meals aren't about what they eat, but rather who they eat with. They don't rush through meals like us Americans because they enjoy the company they're with. Every time a group of us go out we also seem to eat so quickly. I think eating slower is one thing I'm going to try and borrow from the Spanish.

Now, I'm headed to go explore Las Ramblas with my fellow Newporter, Shannon McCroskey! And tonight my roommates and I registered for free sushi and free drinks at Shoko. AH I never want to leave this place (don't worry mom..I'm coming home.)

Hasta luego!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4.


Day 4 in Barcelona! I'm absolutely loving this city. My 5 roommates and I are all getting along super well and we are having the best time ever! Yesterday was a lazy day. We grocery shopped..finally! Last night we went to Chupitos, which is a little narrow bar that offers over a 100 hundred different types of shots. Every persons dream right? We had a boy scout shot -- which at first seemed like a normal shot until the bartender handed us each a little marshmallow on a skewer and then asked us to roast them on the open fire on the bar. After we roasted our marshmallows we dipped them in the shot then chased the shot with the marshmallow. It was so yummy! We also had a harry potter shot, which wasn't as good as we thought it would be. We also had some shot that was lit on fire! After, we headed a few blocks away to this club called Duvet where we danced literally all night. 

Today we went on a three hour bike tour of the city. The hardest part was getting there because we were all exhausted from last night, but once on the tour we all forget about our hangovers and we're able to enjoy the tour. We rode all around the city, through various neighborhoods, learned of places to eat and visit, we went to the beach, found a few running trails...all in all it was very helpful! And it was also a very nice and easy workout. After the bike ride my roommates and I were starving so we headed to this restaurant called Wok to Walk. It was Asian stir-fry and it hit the spot perfectly. We're already planning trips back! 

Tomorrow we may be headed to Las Ramblas to explore. I'm also planning some trips for the semester. We're looking at going to Dublin for St. Patty's day, Greece for spring break, a weekend trip to Prague, Amsterdam, Munich, Cinque Terre, Costa Brava, London, Paris...there are just so many places we all want to travel! It's hard to choose.

I'm off to take a much needed 'siesta'. I don't know how anyone lives without these. They're absolutely the best thing in this world.

Hasta luego! xxoo

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hola from Barcelona! I finally made it to Spain! We got in yesterday (11th) at 7 am. It was possibly the longest day ever. I left my house at 4 am. Got to LAX at 5. Left for JFK at 7 am. I don't think I've slept at all, but it's so worth it if it means being in Barcelona. After we got in yesterday morning...three of my roommates were on my flight... we got all settled in our apartment. We live in a 6 girl 'piso' right in the heart of Sagrada Familia. About a block or two is Gaudi's famous la Sagrada Familia. We've only walked by it a few times, but it's beautiful. It also makes me wonder what crazy drugs Gaudi must have been on when he created the designs for this master piece. After we unpacked our lives,, my roommate Brittany and I decided to wander around the neighborhood. We grabbed some fruit from the supermercado below our apartment then headed out. We walked and walked and we're a little overwhelmed. We needed to buy sheets and blankets and a go-phone and the nearest area to buy this stuff is in Catalunya, which in walking distance is about 25 minutes away...but on metro it's only 5. So Brittany and I took our first metro trip to Catalunya and let me just say it was a success! At first we clearly looked liked dumb Americans who couldn't figure out how to work the machine, but nevertheless we managed and made it to Catalunya. Once there we bought go-phones and found a place to buy sheets..but the store was closed. It was 3:30! Fornthose of you who have never been to Spain stores close in the afternoon because Spaniards take a 'siesta' mid-afternoon. Because Brittany and I were unable to get sheets, we slept last night on a futon and were forced to share an itty bitty blanket. For our first night out, my 6 roommates and I headed to Sutton Club, about a 8 minute taxi ride from our apartment. Minus feeling eextremely xhausted today, last night was a blast!

Today, we're headed to orientation to learn about our host city and classes..ya I forget that that's why we're here..for school. Sometime today I must find sheets and a blanker because at the moment my bed is just a mattress.

I'm off to explore more of Barcelona! I'll post pictures sometime soon! It's been difficult because my apartment's wi-fi isn't working.

Hasta luego!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's finally here!

It's finally here. Junior year...Spring semester. I've been counting down the days until I leave for my semester in Barcelona...and now it's really finally here. 2 days. I leave Tuesday for a once in a lifetime experience. I am so excited and so ready to embark on this journey, but I still cannot believe that I'm going to be in Spain for 4 months. While I'm away, I created this blog for my friends and family so you can all keep tabs on me AND so I don't have to message each and every one of you the same exact thing everyday.

I hope you all enjoy this blog! I'll post as often as I can and as much as I remember! :)

Hasta luego!