Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hola from Barcelona! I finally made it to Spain! We got in yesterday (11th) at 7 am. It was possibly the longest day ever. I left my house at 4 am. Got to LAX at 5. Left for JFK at 7 am. I don't think I've slept at all, but it's so worth it if it means being in Barcelona. After we got in yesterday morning...three of my roommates were on my flight... we got all settled in our apartment. We live in a 6 girl 'piso' right in the heart of Sagrada Familia. About a block or two is Gaudi's famous la Sagrada Familia. We've only walked by it a few times, but it's beautiful. It also makes me wonder what crazy drugs Gaudi must have been on when he created the designs for this master piece. After we unpacked our lives,, my roommate Brittany and I decided to wander around the neighborhood. We grabbed some fruit from the supermercado below our apartment then headed out. We walked and walked and we're a little overwhelmed. We needed to buy sheets and blankets and a go-phone and the nearest area to buy this stuff is in Catalunya, which in walking distance is about 25 minutes away...but on metro it's only 5. So Brittany and I took our first metro trip to Catalunya and let me just say it was a success! At first we clearly looked liked dumb Americans who couldn't figure out how to work the machine, but nevertheless we managed and made it to Catalunya. Once there we bought go-phones and found a place to buy sheets..but the store was closed. It was 3:30! Fornthose of you who have never been to Spain stores close in the afternoon because Spaniards take a 'siesta' mid-afternoon. Because Brittany and I were unable to get sheets, we slept last night on a futon and were forced to share an itty bitty blanket. For our first night out, my 6 roommates and I headed to Sutton Club, about a 8 minute taxi ride from our apartment. Minus feeling eextremely xhausted today, last night was a blast!

Today, we're headed to orientation to learn about our host city and classes..ya I forget that that's why we're here..for school. Sometime today I must find sheets and a blanker because at the moment my bed is just a mattress.

I'm off to explore more of Barcelona! I'll post pictures sometime soon! It's been difficult because my apartment's wi-fi isn't working.

Hasta luego!

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