Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4.


Day 4 in Barcelona! I'm absolutely loving this city. My 5 roommates and I are all getting along super well and we are having the best time ever! Yesterday was a lazy day. We grocery shopped..finally! Last night we went to Chupitos, which is a little narrow bar that offers over a 100 hundred different types of shots. Every persons dream right? We had a boy scout shot -- which at first seemed like a normal shot until the bartender handed us each a little marshmallow on a skewer and then asked us to roast them on the open fire on the bar. After we roasted our marshmallows we dipped them in the shot then chased the shot with the marshmallow. It was so yummy! We also had a harry potter shot, which wasn't as good as we thought it would be. We also had some shot that was lit on fire! After, we headed a few blocks away to this club called Duvet where we danced literally all night. 

Today we went on a three hour bike tour of the city. The hardest part was getting there because we were all exhausted from last night, but once on the tour we all forget about our hangovers and we're able to enjoy the tour. We rode all around the city, through various neighborhoods, learned of places to eat and visit, we went to the beach, found a few running trails...all in all it was very helpful! And it was also a very nice and easy workout. After the bike ride my roommates and I were starving so we headed to this restaurant called Wok to Walk. It was Asian stir-fry and it hit the spot perfectly. We're already planning trips back! 

Tomorrow we may be headed to Las Ramblas to explore. I'm also planning some trips for the semester. We're looking at going to Dublin for St. Patty's day, Greece for spring break, a weekend trip to Prague, Amsterdam, Munich, Cinque Terre, Costa Brava, London, Paris...there are just so many places we all want to travel! It's hard to choose.

I'm off to take a much needed 'siesta'. I don't know how anyone lives without these. They're absolutely the best thing in this world.

Hasta luego! xxoo

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