Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In love with Barcaaa

Hola mis amigos!

After our bike tour around the city we took a much needed siesta. Then that night we went to a 'discoteca' called Catwalk. It has different floors that each play different genres of music. My friends and I mostly stayed on the main floor, which played all house! The clubs here are insane. The dance floors are filled to capacity with people from all over the world. You don't stop dancing until you leave the club, which is usually right about the time the sun begins to come up, and you can hardly hear a word anyone is saying, even when they are screaming in your ear.

Sunday we slept until 2:30 in the afternoon! I don't think I've ever slept that late in my entire life, yet I've also never stayed out until 6 am at a club. I guess there's a first for everything. My roommates and I planned out a semester worth of weekend trips, which might I add look incredible! Four months seems like a long time to be abroad and plenty of time to travel everywhere..but it's not at all! We have so many places we want to travel and don't have enough weekends. Such white girl problems, I know. But once I confirm my trips I'll let you all know the fun and cool places I get to visit!

Monday classes started. I take three classes on M/W and one class on T/Th. M/W I have Sports and Culture in Contemporary Spain, Spanish Civilization and Culture (in Spanish), and Cultural Visions through Spanish Cinema (in Spanish). T/TH I am taking Photography in Barcelona. I love all my classes and teachers. None of the classes seem difficult at all. They all seem super interesting and I actually feel like I'm going to really enjoy them. Both Spanish classes are taught in Spanish, so hopefully these both help my ability to speak Spanish fluently.

I feel like I'm starting to really become comfortable with speaking Spanish and I also feel like I'm able to navigate my way around this city. I've got the metro down. Now I just need to learn how to get around random streets without getting lost...which happened today. Today after my photography class, I took the metro home (all on my own) and then stopped at a random cafe. I grabbed a double espresso (so chic I know) and a quick bite to eat. I felt so European. While I was eating I began to think about why I haven't seen many Spanish people who are overweight. I feel like all they eat are breads, sweets, paella, and tapas (which are just some type of meat over more bread). I realized it's because they walk everywhere and because they eat really slowly. To be honest, the food over here isn't anything to write home about, but I'm learning that they really don't eat for the food. Their meals aren't about what they eat, but rather who they eat with. They don't rush through meals like us Americans because they enjoy the company they're with. Every time a group of us go out we also seem to eat so quickly. I think eating slower is one thing I'm going to try and borrow from the Spanish.

Now, I'm headed to go explore Las Ramblas with my fellow Newporter, Shannon McCroskey! And tonight my roommates and I registered for free sushi and free drinks at Shoko. AH I never want to leave this place (don't worry mom..I'm coming home.)

Hasta luego!

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